Saturday, February 12, 2011

Spiritual Birth

It’s been a while since I last updated the blog, but currently its Day 43, since I have been reading the Bible, regularly, everyday. Last night, I had gone out with a few friends from church, an interesting conversation took place, relating to pregnancy, for a moment I felt that topic was a bit inappropriate, but that was when the Lord spoke to me.

I been receiving revelations from the word, and being myself I was wondering, Lord it’s all great that I receive these revelations, but what’s the point? Yesterday I got my answer, Spiritual Birth.

When a woman realizes she is pregnant for the first time, something amazing happens, she goes from being just a woman, to a mother, (talking about a normal pregnancy), then it’s a default nature which sets in, she has to take care of the child growing in her womb, during the gestation period, she nourishes the child, it’s a journey for both mother and child, nine months, the child in her develops, takes shape and when the time comes, she is ready to give birth, which drastically changes her life as she knew it.

Similarly, the spiritual person in us, needs nourishment, needs care, needs attention every passing moment. The disciples with Jesus Christ received nourishment, care and attention, but not till Christ was crucified and appeared to them, did they change, it was like a renewal of their faith and they waited as per Christ’s instruction, to receive the Holy Spirit, and on the day of Pentecost, when they were filled with the Holy Spirit, did their spiritual birthing take place, these disciples who once denied Christ, through God ended up radically changing their environment, amazing things began to take place around them and through them. Was it painful? Yes, when Peter realized that he denied Jesus Christ three times, he went away from the people and wept bitterly, but after his encounter with the Holy Spirit, the same man, preached and proclaimed the truth and eventually was crucified (upside down!).

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